University of Pittsburgh

Artificial Intelligence in Population Health Lab

Hail to PITT, Yuhe!

May 10, 2023

AIPH is proud to announce that one of our members, Yuhe, has taken a position as a Data Scientist at the Department of Biomedical and Informatics (DBMI) at the University of Pittsburgh.

Yuhe has been an integral member of our lab since her second year of her master's program, and her talented work has been recognized by the DBMI. After completing all the necessary on-boarding procedures, Yuhe has officially started her new role at the DBMI this week. Yuhe will continue to work with the AIPH and contribute to various DBMI projects as well.

We look forward to seeing her continued success and are excited to maintain our connection with the department. AIPH wishes Yuhe all the best in her new position and congratulates her on this well-deserved opportunity.

Shengwen and Wentao, will be leaving the lab this summer

May 10, 2023

AIPH announces the departure of two of its members, Shengwen and Wentao, who will no longer be with the lab this summer.

Wentao will be pursuing his master's degree, while Shengwen has decided to pursue other opportunities that better align with her research interests and future goals. The AIPH would like to extend its sincerest thanks to both of them for their hard work and dedication during their time with the lab. We are pleased to continue the work they have helped us start.

The AIPH wishes Shengwen and Wentao all the best in their future pursuits and extends its gratitude for their invaluable contributions to the lab.

Newly Published Study on Mesothelioma Patients' Occupational and Exposure History in the US

March 23, 2023

We are excited to announce the publication of our study, "Industry, occupation, and exposure history of mesothelioma patients in the U.S. National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank, 2006–2022" in Environment Research. This groundbreaking study was conducted in partnership with CDC NIOSH and sheds light on the industry, occupation, and exposure history of mesothelioma patients in the United States.

The study is based on data from the U.S. National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank and includes information on more than 3,000 mesothelioma patients from across the country. The findings reveal mesothelioma patients' history of occupational exposure, prevalent work in different groups (sex and age), and survival features.

The publication of this study is a significant achievement for our research team, and we congratulate them on their hard work and dedication. The findings of this study will undoubtedly have a positive impact on public health and safety, and we look forward to seeing how they will be used to inform future policies and practices.

Our paper has been accepted by IEEE ICHI 2023!

March 2, 2023

Our paper, Prediction of COVID-19 Patientsʼ Emergency Room Revisit using Multi-Source Transfer Learning, has been accepted by IEEE ICHI 2023. Congratulations to Yuelyu Ji, Yuhe Gao, Runxue Bao, Qi Li, Disheng Liu, Yiming Sun, and Ye Ye.

We will present it in the 11th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, Houston, Texas, USA, June 26th-29th, 2023.

Yuelyu Welcome Back and Congratulations!

March 2, 2023

We are pleased to announce that Yuelyu Ji will be returning to our lab this fall term as she has accepted the offer of a doctoral program in Information Science at the School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh. Yuelyu had previously worked on a project to predict COVID-19 readmission rates and has a keen research interest in Natural Language Processing (NLP).

We are excited to welcome Yuelyu back to our lab and believe that her expertise in machine learning, NLP, and healthcare research will be a valuable asset to our team. We are looking forward to her contributions in advancing our ongoing projects and collaborations in the machine learning domain.

Please join us in congratulating Yuelyu on her doctoral program offer and welcoming her back to our lab.

New Members Join AIPH

February 14, 2023

AIPH is excited to announce the addition of three new members this fall: Wentao Wu, Shengwen Ding and John Song.

Wentao recently completed his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the University of Pittsburgh and will be pursuing his Master's degree this fall. With a strong background in computer science, Wentao will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our lab. Shengwen, a first-year student in the Master program of Information Science, brings with her experience conducting several machine learning research projects during her undergraduate studies. John, a second-year student in the Master's program in Information Science, has a background in both Computer Science and Engineering.

With strong passions for research and solid foundations, we believe that they three will make significant contributions to our lab. We are thrilled to welcome these three talented individuals to our lab and look forward to the valuable insights and expertise they will bring to our research endeavors.

Congratulations, Runxue!

February 1, 2023

We are proud to announce that Runxue Bao, a valued member of our research team, has recently graduated from his Doctoral program in Electrical & Computer Engineering at University of Pittsburgh.

We would like to congratulate Runxue for his hard work and dedication in achieving this remarkable milestone. He has been an invaluable member of our lab, making significant contributions to various research projects, and we are excited to see him succeed in his future endeavors.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Runxue for his outstanding work and commitment to our lab. His contributions have been instrumental in advancing our research efforts, and we are honored to have worked alongside such a talented individual.

We wish Runxue all the success in his future endeavors and look forward to his continued success.